我在我的财产的前角附近有一棵不健康的树木被批准去除,这需要替换新树。 沿着侧栅栏,旧树下有一个雨水管道(地下1m)。 为了避免在将来损坏管道,理事会不希望我在同一地点重新种植。 取而代之的是,理事会要求我将现有的小型树搬迁到前院的中间,并种植一棵新树,该树需要在成熟时达到10m高,宽7m。 I wouldn't accept this new location due to following reasons:
– the existing feature trees/plants surrounding this location would not get enough sunlight under the new tree’s mature canopy coverage, their growth/health would be significantly affected.
- front yard main entrance stairs would be covered by the mature canopy, which just doesn’t look right and impact on the aesthetic value of my property’s facade and landscaping设计。
- 一旦新树达到成熟的高度和冠层宽度,将大大减少房屋中的阳光。
被拆除的旧树是一个樟脑月桂树,具有非常侵入性的根系,但是对其下方的管道并没有引起任何问题。 我向理事会提议,通过选择一棵树和非侵入性根系的树来重新种植原始位置,与旧树保持相比,这绝对是最小的风险。 However Council said its preference is still the middle of my front yard.
In order to have a new canopy tree to Council's satisfaction while protecting the pipe, can Council neglect my satisfaction and insist on where to replant in my private land without my permission?
Don't worry about it.这些年轻的树的存活率非常低。
o.p.O.P.这篇文章在车道和楼梯路面旁边进行了编辑,前院只有一个侧园(水上花园)(水管上方)和一个可供种植的中心花园床。 市议会提议的重新种植地点距离花园床和入口楼梯结构的混凝土墙仅2m,一旦种植,树就只有5m。 These young trees have a very low survival rate.Before this you should find out whether the Council will actually check.If so, once you plant it and its been checked, check the local laws but you are probably allowed to remove a tree if its under a certain height, in my area its 3 metres.If not keep it in the pot and plant the whole thing below ground level so no one can see the pot and it will obviously not grow too much.
Council's have these odd rules about trees and they find out years later when他们出现了一个旋风,他们做出了一些不良的树选择。
您正在参加哪个理事会,并且您阅读了他们的树木管理政策吗?我之所以问,是因为坎普·劳雷尔(Camphor Laurel)是一种高度入侵的物种,经常(也许总是?)免于任何理事会的树木。您可能会发现您的理事会官员伴随着需要许可证的小说,以便他们试图迫使您在其位置种植一棵树。
,鉴于他们使用的是“ preferred”这样的语言,我认为他们很可能没有权力告诉您需要种植的地方。他们是否签发了许可证,如果是这样,它是否对种植有任何规定? Again, the TMP may be able to tell you more.
O.P.this post was edited
It's in Victoria and the Council here doesn't list Camphor tree as a weed like in NSW and QLD, so permit is needed.
The permit says replacement planting within the front yard to Council's satisfaction.
The tree must be maintained to maturity and It is an offence to remove or损坏替换树。
我的论点是,我很乐意将一棵无创的新树放回高度侵入性的老树所在的地方,如果理事会仍然担心管道,那意味着首先,大型冠层树就不应该存在。 那棵旧树是在过去的几十年前植入的,为什么我应该责任为理事会提供一个新的位置,它喜欢在我自己的院子里提供一个新地点,以补偿不应该在那里存在的树冠损失,
我倾向于同意。但是要扮演魔鬼倡导者,当您获得许可证并砍伐树木时,您是否不接受此要求?在获得许可证之前,站在自己的立场和谈判更好的位置可能是明智的。,但这就是by。 As I see it you have three options:
- do as the permit says and plant in their preferred location
- plant in the old location and see what Council does, if anything (this would probably be my choice)
- speak to a solicitor to see to what extent Council can enforce the permit as it stands before making one of the choices above
大多数理事会都包含副总统,禁止您在地役权上做的事情。 这些规则旨在轻松地访问水,下水道,雨水,气体,电力,NBN以及可能埋葬在地役中的任何其他服务。 这些规则可能会禁止建筑物,延伸,车库,棚子,玻璃房屋,挡土墙和种植大树的建设。 树根可能会损害服务,而一棵大树使难以进入不可能。
如果“小树是合法种植的” - 即,即不在禁止的地区或禁止的物种中,我不认为您会要求您搬家。 杀死它的风险将很高!
最后,当理事会批准您去除一棵成熟的树时,您接受了一个杂物,尽管是非法的树。 您必须在法律立场上种植可接受物种的替代树。 它不能超越地役权。 这范围缩小了您和理事会的选择。 妥协不应该太困难。
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