1)Sigen Energy Gateway tp
2)Sigen Energy Contraller TP 20KW
3)Sigen电池堆叠4 x 8kw
4 x 8kw
4)aiko Panels x 24(占4 mppr> 4 mppr> 4 mppr> 4 mppr> 4 mppr> 4 mppr> (occupying 1 of 4 MPPT strings on energy controller) Tigo optimisers x 5 on the five panels with a different orientation to the main 9
Looking at my installation agreement, there seems to be a component missing – Sigen Power Sensor with 3 x CT accessories
Installer is now saying that the Sigen Power Sensor is redundant for my home setup, and no longer installing it as a result, yet research I've done seems to suggest that without the Sigen Power Sensor, I'd be missing the following advanced energy management capabilities:
1) Zero-Power Grid Connection Control – the sensor performs zero-export control by accurately measuring energy flows at the grid connection point
2) Data Acquisition – the sensor facilitates comprehensive data acquisition, allowing for detailed monitoring and optimization of energy usage.
My property comprises of a主屋和一个奶奶公寓 - 奶奶的总机是主房屋总机的子板。主房屋总机是唯一直接连接到电网的唯一一个机。
安装人员声称,上述功能已通过使主房屋的总机挂钩直接连接到Sigen Energy Gateway tp tp tp Pation and Pather(如果需要挂接的电源平面,又是平坦的),则已经可以通过Sigen Power Sensor执行的函数来促进,并以Sigen Energy Gateway TP的执行备份,以至于该备用电源是平坦的,并且是固定的,这是一个平坦的电源。为了向奶奶提供备份,然后需要将电源传感器连接到主房屋的总机机,以便执行先进的能源管理能力,减去对主房屋的备份保护。
任何人都可以善于验证我的安装程序的主张,因为如果我不丢失能力,那我就不会让我无法丢失能力,而不是让SIGEN POWER SERIT SET OED SYSTER作为System System我的一部分? I'm aiming to switch to Amber once the system is up and running, and concerned that the loss of advanced energy management capabilities provided by the SIgen Power Sensor could potentially impact my system's ability to navigate wholesale prices.
That, and I'm also trying to establish if the installer is simply trying to reduce their costs by getting out of providing a SIgen Power Sensor as stipulated on the installation协议。
1)Sigen Energy Gateway tp
只是一个快速点,如果您使用的是Aiko 470W面板,并且温度不低于冻结,则可以拥有23个面板的字符串。因此,请考虑从24个面板下降到23个,然后使用1 x MPPT。我不确定当您剩下3个MPPT时,为什么您需要优化器?高压Trina S+可以将您带入只有4个面板的MPPT电压窗口,5个面板将为您提供250VDC。
安装人员应该提到的网关带有Eastron SDM630功率传感器。 It will need to be installed and comes in the box but is not built in (some Delta inverters actually had it built in to the inverte itself).
I agree with Tuxburry to go for high voltage strings.
Tuxbury writes...
The Gateway already has a power sensor built in. You don't need第二个。 Your installer is correct.
Thanks for confirming – installer has been pretty decent in dealing with communication gaps from their employee and additional work that became required as a result of such and also just because my property was quite complicated, so I'd really hate to have to fight with them in the end because they're simply trying to cut their losses by pulling the wool over my eyes and removing the Sigen Power Sensor from the install...
Just a quick point, if you正在使用Aiko 470W面板,温度不低于冻结,您可以拥有23个面板的字符串。
我正在使用最新的Aiko 475W面板:
https:// sol-distribut
我不确定剩下3个MPPT时为什么需要优化器?高电压Trina S+可以将您带入MPPT电压窗口,只有4个面板,5个面板将为您提供250VDC。
我最初有一个完全操作的太阳能系统,其中包括13 x Jinko 475W面板,在我的主房屋屋顶上,9个W北部和4 W,4 W,以及4 WEST,所以这些无法更改。 Previous consultation with an industry insider suggested the best course of action was to add an additional Jinko 475W panel to the West roof, and then simply fit all five on the West roof with Optimisers so they could be combined with the 9 on the North roof to form a single string.
Just reserving the 4th string for potentially (in the future) adding panels to the East and South roof of main house if I find the addition of an EV requires it, or the energy当我继续使我的房屋电气化时,房子的需求只是增长。我的属性不再真正支持面板,因此这似乎是20kW逆变器上所有4个MPPT字符串的最佳用途。
安装人员应提到的是Eastron SDM630 SDM630 SDM630 SDM630 SDM630 SDM630 SDM630 SDM630 SDM630 SDM630 SDM630 POTEROR。它将需要安装并放在框中,但不是在
中构建的,您是否有一些技术文档,例如Sigen的数据表显示? Or at least links to their website that state this?
this post was edited
I got the info off a datasheet I found online.
You can also grab manuals ect from here:
As it turns out the gateway includes a built in smart meter similar
CT内置在网关中,这是可能的,这是可能的,因为网关将整个主电源带入进出(整个家庭备份),因此CT的内置。 因此,电工更容易将网关放置在机板附近,否则它可能会增加几百个劳动力和电缆将其运行到电池的位置。
您可以选择仅备份整个总机端口,但是可以使用“智能端口”来用于发电机或手动建议,或者如果您有热水泵,请泵送泵送Smarts smarts ect smart to smart conm smart conm smart conm smart conm smart comp of smart of smart of smart conf of smart conf of smart of smart for in of smart of ins of smart of ins of smart of in of smart。这个想法是,在停电中,如果没有人可以手动关闭这些负载,可以将其编程为关闭。
我确实要说我真的很喜欢Sigenergy Systems,但是ID喜欢看到更多有关内部技术,他们使用的技术和人们掩饰的位置。 请注意,该安装手册实际上并未谈论内置CT,但它可能在其他手册中指出。在网关安装手册中,它还可以选择将以太网用于逆变器或RS485。我假设他们更喜欢以太网,但是RS485可能会更好。
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