背景 背景 However, they have secured a job recently and the boss demands that they get their P1 'manual license' asap because their current license limits them to driving only automatics for the 12 months of their P1 license and the boss needs them to be able to drive manuals also Obtaining the P1 Manual license is not a problem as they have been practising as a Learner for the manual aspect and are ready to test for their P1本月晚些时候的手动许可 何时可以申请他们的P2许可证。从他们第一次获得P1汽车许可证的12个月起? 或 [2]。从本月晚些时候获得P1手动许可证的12个月后? 为什么混淆了? I challenged them on this because this seems ludicrous to have the existing driving time cancelled but they simply restated the same information and were not interested in a discussion on the nuances When I search the RMS website and checked the road book, I can find no such statement about the current driving time being forfeited just because one upgrades their license to a P1 manual license (effectively删除自动限制) 我的逻辑部分认为,在P1上开车的12个月只是在获得基于P1手动的许可时继续进行,因为它在P1上驾驶的P1驾驶时间会获得P2许可证,而不是12个月,而不是在特定的车辆上驾驶的情况下,但在某些情况下,我有任何
一位家庭朋友在9月2024年以上的P1驾驶时,现在有7个月的P1驾驶,所以现在有7个月7个月7个月7个月,现在是7个月的P1,现在是7个月,现在是7个月的P1 prackectig,现在是7个月的P1 prackectig,现在是7个月 for a P2 licence
即2024年9月 + 12个月= 2025年9月
即2025年3月 + 12个月= 2026年3月
- 当前的P1 Auto许可将被取消,并在新的P1手动许可证上付出了7个月,该时间将在7个月中获得了
time time time fl
p1 fly
p1 far
p1 far
and the 12 months driving on the new P1 license will start again!
,鉴于那些会陷入裂缝的人的稀缺性,我不会以我认为他们不会在任何时间重写规则的任何时间来适应这一特定问题。 You will just need to do the 12 months, or keep pushing your road authority for clarification, escalating every time with no guarantee they will do anything to change your situation.
I would try speaking to somebody more senior at the RMS, the Auto only is a license "A" condition added onto a P's license and when you remove or add a condition your license isn't cancelled it is just updated, for example if you got glasses halfway through your Ps they只需添加眼镜条件的“ S”,而不会取消它并获得新的许可证。
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- 联邦政客们具有多少房产?
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