
Beatthe cold winter and the recession
Work in New Zealand Garden Centres
Seven years running for this unique scheme
Following the fantastic success this yearwe are again seeking Garden Centre
Staff to work the Spring and SummerSeasons in New Zealand.
The scheme just gets bigger and bigger,with some sabbaticals coming back year on year, enjoying permanent summers!.
You can combine your visit down underhaving valuable work experience with New
Zealand's leading garden centre group inAuckland, with the time off in Autumn
to visit a wonderful country full ofchallenging fun filled outdoor activities.
Kings Plant Barn’s seven branches areseeking garden centre career minded people to work in our
group from late August through to February 2016. All you need is a New Zealand work
permit ( Phone NZ House 020 79308422,www.newzealandhc.org.uk) and the return airfare.
Wewill meet you at the airport, help you find accommodation, give you a job, payyou and
show you how to enjoy life. And for themore adventurous if we really like you
and you like us we will give you a newlife and career in our amazing country.
As long as you love plants, have a passionfor people are an enthusiastic salesperson and have chosen Retail Horticultureas your career, we have a job for you.
Apply by Email to [email protected]. Visitour Web site (kings.co.nz) for a
Retrospective of past sabbatical’s timewith Kings.
Above all else if you’re keen and lookingfor a great experience then do contact us.
Welcome to New Zealand and of coursewelcome to Kings Plant Barn. Now whether you’re a seasoned traveler or this isyour first time overseas, it can often be very daunting coming to a new placeto live. So we’ve designed this guide to help you ease into kiwi life aspainlessly as possible and hopefully help to make your stay in New Zealand,with us at Kings Plant Barn, unforgettable and one of the greatest experiencesof your life.
Kings comprises of seven branches acrossthe whole of Auckland and is now regarded as Auckland’s largest garden centrechain. The company started in 1992 with the opening of the Takapuna branch andhas rapidly grown since. The latest addition to the company came last year whenKings purchased the former Wholesale Tree Company in Takanini.
On your first day of work you’ll be issuedwith your uniform, comprising of blue shorts, yellow t-shirt and sweatshirt.The only things you’ll need to bring with you are a good pair of comfortabletrainers. Sun hats are available upon request and non-reflective sunglasses maybe worn when outside. The uniform is a requirement and must be clean every dayand worn at all times while at work.
Hoursof work
The stores open at 8.30am and close at5.00pm every day and you are expected to be ready for work 15minutes prior toyour roistered start time. In addition, on a Monday and Friday morning thereare staff meetings at 8.15, all roistered staff are expected to attend, inuniform, ready for work. Through out the day you’ll receive three breaks, thefirst is a paid 10 minute morning tea break, then an unpaid 30 minute break forlunch and then another paid 10 minute break for afternoon tea.
Payand holiday arrangements
You’ll be paid fortnightly on a Wednesdaydirectly into your bank account. To ensure that your pay is always correct,make sure you fill in a time sheet everyday, which at the end of every weekwill be faxed, by your manager, to Kings Administration. You will receive 8% ofyour earnings as holiday pay. On public holidays you will receive time and ahalf for that day, plus an extra day in lieu, to be used at a later date.Holidays should not be taken in the first six months of the summer period, asobviously this is a very busy time of year for Kings. All holidays at any timeof year, must first be approved by your branch manager and requests should bemade at least two weeks prior to the first day requested.
Here at Kings we have several policieswhich we are proud of and are strongly followed. They have proven to be verysuccessful in providing a good experience for the customer and making Kings thethriving company that it is today. For example, we have a 100% Guarantee on allour plants and products, so if the customer is unsatisfied, we’ll exchange theproduct or plant, no questions asked. If a plant has died, we’ll give thecustomer a new plant and suggest what they could do make this one moresuccessful and try to establish what killed the last one. You’ll be informed ofthese and more when you are given an induction.
When you arrive in Auckland your initialtask will be to find somewhere to live. Now this shouldn’t be too hard to do,there are plenty of places to stay in and around the city. When you firstarrive you’ll probably have to book into a hostel, or for those of you who wishto splash out a little, maybe a hotel for the first week or until you manage tofind more long term accommodation. Where you chose your accommodation willdepend on which branch you have been assigned to and it would be much easierfor you if you could get accommodation close to that branch. However if you dodecide to stay in the city for the first few nights there are many publictransport links, including buses and rail, which should get you close to thebranch your working at. For a good backpackers, Auckland City Backpackers (09 358 4877) is located on level 3, 229Queens Street, downtown Auckland. It has good rooms at reasonable rates, dorms$25/night. Many young visitors to Auckland go here first get their bearings.It’s a real hive of activity, with a bar downstairs to aid this. Although ifyou fancy somewhere a little more quite to relax and unwind, try Chalet Chevron (09 309 0290), itslocated in Parnell, just a short bus ride to downtown. This charming B&B isin a homely building with a few mock Tudor touches. A room here will cost you$95/night. For other options in short term accommodation, check out The rough guide to New Zealand or LonelyPlanet, these are both great essential guide books for while your in NewZealand.
For long term accommodation there areseveral options. First, quickly work out where your branch is located and thesuburbs around it. Speak to other members of staff and ask their opinion on thesurrounding area and where they would recommend good areas to live. Once you’veestablished this then you need to find accommodation in that area. It ispossible to find small one bed roomed apartments or sleep outs, but they arenot commonly available or often overly price. Therefore it’s a lot easier toshare a house/flat with others and it’s much more social and a lot moreaffordable too. To find these, probably the best resource is a website called Trade Me, www.trademe.co.nz, it works in the same way as EBay, but there’s asection for ‘Flat mates wanted’.There are hundreds of potential places to live and it’s just a matter ofworking your way through them and finding one that’s suitable for you. Failingthis, every Thursday the New Zealand Herald produces a property supplement,this has a rentals and flat mates section and is always worth checking out too.
Depending on which area you want to liveand other factors such as, how many people you’re prepared to live with, youcan expect to pay anything between $100 and $200 per week for rent, sharing.
Auckland is far from being renowned for itspublic transport, but it does exist to a degree. Auckland’s bus and trainstation (Britomart) is located at the hart of the CBD. Also just a short walkacross the road is the ferry terminal, where you can catch a boat to Devonport,Half Moon Bay or any of the islands in the Hauraki Gulf. For help with anypublic transport related matter, you can free call Maxx 09 366 6400. This service is free and can tell you how to getfrom A to B using any form of public transport.
Having a car while you’re here is highlyrecommended. You can drive in New Zealand for one year on most internationaldriving license, so no need to worry about changing licenses. Buying a carisn’t too much of an issue either. If you know a little about cars (or knowsomeone else who does) and don’t want to spend too much money, Ellerslie Car Fair is always worthchecking out. It’s held every Sunday including public holidays, 9am to 12pm atEllerslie racecourse (GreenLane off ramp, SH1). Here they have hundreds of carsfor sale ranging from $500 up to $20 000. You should expect to get a reliablecar for as little as $2 000. There’s plenty of other car fairs across the city too,check the local papers for details. Also have a look on Trade Me, there’s a motoring section there too.
IRD-as soon as you start work you’ll need to apply for an IRD numberfrom the Inland Revenue. You’ll need to provide Kings Administration with thisnumber before you get your first pay. It’s a simple form which can be printedfrom the IRD’s website at www.ird.govt.nz and then posted backto the Inland Revenue. It usually takes less than a week for you to receiveyour number.
Bankaccounts-you’ll need to open a bank account as soonas possible to have your wages paid into. There are many banks to choose fromsuch as ASB, Westpac, National Bank etc,there all pretty much of a likeness and its relatively easy to open an account,usually just two forms of ID are required to be taken into a branch and they’llopen the account there while you wait.
Costof living-in recent years the NZ dollar has gainedsome ground against stronger international currencies and the countries growingtourist popularity has seen many prices rise in line with demand. However aslong as you don’t throw yourself out of a plane or cling to a jet boat everyday you should be fine.
-1LPetrol $2.00-$2.20
-1Lbottled water $2.00-$3.00
-Glassof beer (DB) $4.00-$6.00
-Meatpie $2.50-$3.50
-Loafof bread $1.50-$3.00
-Magnificentscenery Free
Callinghome-other than obvious methods there’s a fewcheaper alternatives.
-Yabba is a prepaid calling cardprovided by Telecom. These can be purchased from nearly all dairies, indenominations of $10 or $20. You can use the credit on the cards from anytouch-tone phones. It costs just $0.10/min to call back to the UK or $0.30 tocall a UK mobile.
-Skype is the latest internet phoneservice taking the world by storm. You can register for free at www.skype.com,and with this service you can call other Skype users, anywhere in the world,for absolutely free. Although you do need a computer with a broadbandconnection, so if you don’t have a computer at home, head down to your localinternet café, where nearly all have Skype service and webcams.
Sightseeing- when you arrive, to help yourself get yourbearings of the city try visiting some of the popular tourist attraction suchas:
-SkyCity/Sky Tower (09-360 6400)
-AucklandMuseum and Winter Gardens (09-309 0443)
-KellyTarlton’s (09-528 0603)
-Devonport(via ferry).
We hope you enjoy your time in New Zealand.
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