

1: AKL飛中國在日本停留3周,其中兩周在日本,一週買日本和韓國往返的機票去韓國一趟, 剛問旅行社說是這樣不能辦理韓國的落地簽而且日本要辦理多次入境簽。

2:或者反過來, AKL飛中國在韓國停留3周,其中兩周去日本,辦理日本的簽證,這樣是不是韓國就不用簽證了?

請問有懂的大仙麼?  我同時會給日本和韓國領事館發信問的。 多謝了~ (中國護照,PR,在職)


韓國不需要簽證, 日本只要第二次不出機場,只是轉機的話只要SINGLE ENTRY就可以了,44刀

日本總領館給力,馬上給我資料了, 俺弄好UPDATE上來



Thank you for your inquiries.
Please read the information below.

Here is the information for visa free entry for Korea.

Transit tourists bound for another country

Eligible countries

·      Applicable to all countries (except for Cuba, Macedonia, Syria, Sudan and Iran) that are not granted visa-free entry into Korea.

Applicable to…

·      Those with a visa* or a re-entry permit for following any 5 countries: U.S., Japan, Canada, Australia, or New Zealand. *except those who hold Group travel visa to Japan

·      Those traveling FROM or TO any one of the five countries mentioned above, whose final destination is not Korea.

·      Must have a confirmed onward flight ticket for departure within 30 days after entering Korea, in addition to having no record of criminal offence in the five countries mentioned above.

kind regards,

Thank you

Consulate of the Republic of Korea
Level 10, Sofrana House,
396 Queen St, Auckland
Tel: (09) 379 0818/ Fax: (09) 373 3340

The following is in response to your enquiry about a Temporary Visitor's Visa for Japan. Please see below for the requirements for your application:

1       Valid passport
2       One passport size photograph taken within the last six months
3       One completed original visa application form (see attached)
4       One completed "Reason for Entry into Japan" form (see attached)
5       Flight details of entire trip issued by travel agent
6       Proof of funds (e.g. monthly bank statements with transaction details for the last 3 months)
7       Letter from your employer stating the period of your employment and salary, and confirmation of continuation of your employment when you return to New Zealand (copy of "Company Registration Certificate" if you are self-employed), or letter from your school stating the period of your enrolment and confirmation of continuation of your enrolment when you return to New Zealand
8       Documents verifying the purpose of your visit (details of your schedule in Japan [daily schedule] AND hotel/tour reservation confirmation or an invitation letter from your friend or relative (original, not copy))
9       Additional documentation from your guarantor in Japan (details of your schedule in Japan; “Guarantee Letter” (身元保証書) (see attached); "Reason for Invitation Letter" (招聘理由書) (see attached) ; “Income Certificate” (所得証明書等); "Family Registration Certificate" (戸籍謄本または住民票) or "Alien Registration Certificate"; Letter from their employer (在職証明書) or Company Registration (登記簿) may also be required.
10      Visa fee ($44.00) - due when the visa has been issued

For a list of the necessary documentation you can send through to your guarantor in Japan, please see the attached form 招聘人提出書類. If you are in New Zealand on a permanent residency or work visa, then we do not normally require you to submit these guarantor documents as specified in number 9. However, please be aware that these may be requested at the diplomat's discretion and it is recommended that you obtain these if possible.

Please note:
•       Additional documentation may be required.
•       No documents other than your passport will be returned.
•       Temporary Visitor's Visa applications will take a minimum of 5 working days to be processed.
•       Applications that require inquires to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs may take longer than a minimum of 5 working days.  Please allow plenty of leeway.
•       Possession of a visa does not entitle the bearer to enter Japan upon arrival at port of entry if he or she is found inadmissible.

Visa Section
Consulate-General of Japan
Level 15, AIG Building
41 Shortland Street
PO Box 3959
Auckland City
Ph: (09) 303-4106
Fax: (09) 377-7784
Consular Section Hours : 09:00-12:00/13:00-15:30
E-mail: [email protected]


For option 1, you will only need to apply for a multiple entry visa if your second stop in Tokyo will involve you leaving the airport. If you will just stay in the airport transit lounge at this stop, then you will be fine with a single enrty visa only.

Please note that the price of a multiple entry visa is double that of a single - $88.00.

Best regards

Visa Section
Consulate-General of Japan
Level 15, AIG Building
41 Shortland Street
PO Box 3959
Auckland City
Ph: (09) 303-4106
Fax: (09) 377-7784
Consular Section Hours : 09:00-12:00/13:00-15:30
E-mail: [email protected]




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