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How not to die in Brazil

June 4, 2014, 7:23 amTotal Travel

Brazil police have issued a warning to World Cup fans – if you get robbed, "don’t scream".

A leaflet being handed out by Brazilian embassies and consulates urges not to “react, yell or argue” if they find themselves the victim of a mugging.

Sao Paulo's police chief says many people visiting Brazil for the World Cup, which starts on June 5, will be unfamiliar with the level of crime and don't know how to behave in cities known for their violence, Estado de Sao Paulo newspaper reports.

Travel insurance provider, Travel Insurance Direct, is also appealing to travellers to educate themselves on the dangers, and how best to stay safe while travelling through South America, specifically during the World Cup.

Travel Insurance Direct travel safety specialist Phil Sylvester says: “South America is an incredible continent that is developing quickly, and rapidly catching the attention of travellers. Generally if you take the proper precautions, avoid risky behaviour, get your vaccinations, and have the right travel insurance, it can be the destination of a lifetime.

“However, with the masses of tourists flocking to the state of samba, crime, robbery and assault will be at an all-time high with tourists needing to be smart, savvy and safe to stay alive.

"The most important information the police have passed on is not to scream or make a scene if you are being robbed, as this will provoke further violence and possible death. Your valuables are not that important and if you have travel insurance you will most likely be covered anyway.”

Travel Insurance Direct’s top tips to stay safe in Brazil during the World Cup:

1. Leave the jewellery at home. Even if it’s costume jewellery, don’t wear expensive-looking watches, gold necklaces or bracelets as it could attract pickpocketers.

2. Blend in. Forget the khaki cargo pants and photographer vests. Don’t dress like a tourist. Similarly don’t wear ostentatious designer brand clothing.

3. Keep the fancy DSLR camera tucked away in a plain-looking bag instead of a brand-emblazoned camera bag. Take it out only for the shot and put it straight back again.

4. Ditch the backpack and fanny pack. They scream “I’m a tourist, rob me!”

5. If you do carry a bag, don’t put anything valuable in it – no cards, cash, passports or expensive music players. If a thief tries to snatch it you’ll know there’s nothing of value in their and it's easy to let it go.

6. Get a travel credit or debit card and keep a low balance in it (top it up online from your other account when needed). If you lose the card, or it gets skimmed, or you are subject to an express kidnap, the thieves won’t get your entire life savings.

7. Don’t walk alone, especially at night. Don’t walk down quiet, deserted back streets – keep to the busy thoroughfares.

8. Buses are okay to use during the day, but take a taxi at night. Call a registered radio cab company.

9. If anything bad does happen, give your antagonist what they’re after - don’t struggle or scream.

10. Ensure you have the appropriate emergency numbers and your travel insurance policy details on hand. Always report any incidents or issues as soon as they arise.



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