It was hard work for me. Only one month prior I hah had a section of bowel removed and 22 staples holding me together. So despite being entered I did not make one cast. Was hoping 2014 was going to be better but medical misadventure problems mean I am still suffering but just hoping my strength will be enough to last 4 days. I want to catch the big one and win that $330,000 first prize.

Sombody has to win so why not me. And if it cant be me then cross fingers, Xiaoli. $33,000 would go a long way in further building our business. Maybe buy a bigger bus. Maybe not such a good idea, Xiaoli might slaughter me. Haha

The comp is hard worklittle baby Xiao Xiao. And this year she has her brother and sister Dou Dou and Li Li to accompany her watching us slave away

And the worst part, the lunch. The Kahawai we catch that demands to be turned into raw fish to be eaten with wasabi and soy sauce. What a hard life it is up that beach!

And last year we took our dear old 85 year old Auntie for the day. But it was all just a bit too much. Poor Auntie. Just last week she was given a pacemaker. Can probably now out run me. Haha

But back to the comp, our aim this year, win the $33,000 largest Snapper prize and win that ute. We need replace one of our 3 4wd's and that ute would allow us to replace them all. Sell it, but 3 second hand 4wd's as our Ninety Mile Beach kills our vehicles in 3 to 5 years. The salt water corrosion. The very far north is known as the wrecking yards for 4wd's. So if you ever see one on Trade Me from up here, dont buy it!
Join us in the comp.A eat 5 day doing what we so much love. Fishing!
good luck. all the best for recovery! =) Will make a trip up there to visit you guys one day.
Recovery I was always warned was a very slow one, but prognosis long term is good.
If we dont win the comp, we are going to have fun trying.