新西兰Jetstar shock for shark victim's mum




Last updated 05:00 01/03/2013

Jetstar refused to shift a booking for the mother of shark victim Adam Strange to fly to Auckland after his death.

Jeanette Strange, of Paraparaumu, had already booked return flights from Wellington to visit her son next week.

But after police broke the news to her on Wednesday of her son's death at Muriwai Beach, her sister rang Jetstar to transfer the booking, telling the airline about the horrific reasons for the change.

"They put me on hold for 10 minutes to talk to a supervisor, then said they were very sorry but could not transfer the booking. She would have to pay $321 for a new ticket," sister Kay Cresswell said yesterday.

"We were trying to calm Jeanette, saying hang on, hang on. They said there was a plane leaving [Wellington] in one-and-a-half hours with three spare seats.

"I was disgusted with their lack of compassion and hung up."

She then contacted Air New Zealand, and was told there were two seats left on a flight to Auckland.

When they arrived at Wellington Airport the flight was full, but police had already notified the airline of their arrival, and it gave Mrs Strange a discounted seat.

She was escorted to the Koru lounge, given refreshments, a diabetic food package for the flight, and was escorted to the plane.

"The police were brilliant. Air NZ was marvellous," Mrs Cresswell said.

A written response from Jetstar said the company reviewed requests to waive fare-change fees on compassionate grounds on a case-by-case basis.

Fees could be refunded at a later date on receipt of a request and supporting documentation.

"Jetstar extends its sympathies to Mrs Strange and her family. Jetstar appreciate this would have been a stressful situation and regrets if the service received by her relative from our call centre was perceived as unsympathetic," a spokesman said.

Consumer NZ chief executive Sue Chetwin said she was sure discretion could be used on compassionate grounds.

"I find it rather extraordinary Jetstar would not have just made anything available for that young man's mother. You usually throw rules out the window on those occasions and are there to assist."

Victim Support chief executive Tony Paine believed Jetstar should have "done the right thing".

"It is a terrible time for the family. I would like to think the community, including the corporate world, would have got behind them during this terrible time."

Adam Strange, 46, was swimming from Maori Bay to Muriwai Beach, about 200 metres from shore, in training for an ocean swim event, when he was dragged under water by what is thought to have been a great white shark.


Perfer Air NZ always

Jetstar, 从来没有坐过,以后也不会去坐。。。。

只能说Air NZ的经理更聪明, 利用这个机会做了广告

估计这位妈妈买的是那种最便宜不能改期的机票, 所以Jetstar不给换。 其实如果不是这件事情这么shocking,每天生生死死的事情要有多少,难道都因为家里出了事情给便宜?

自己的儿子都过世了, 就不能出全款买张机票? 还有时间到处打听价钱?


AirNZ做了广告 Jetstar有了负面的新闻

air nz的负面新闻更多。




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