

如果帮助别人申请写上自己的地址也是会收到的吗?如果收不到应该怎么办呢?哪些个人信息写好之后就无法修改呢?是姓名和出生日期吗?如果出生日期写错了,未来使用积分升舱或者赠送多带行李是不是就无法申请了呢?要未来使用Gift Register是不是要写上相同的邮箱?要未来使用Gift Register是不是要写上相同的地址?Gift Register还可以申请使用吗?应该具体如何申请和使用呢??????

The promotion code is going 2 expired at the end of Jan next year...

u will get the membership number staight away but get the welcome pack and card within 10 working days

you can try to apply for others, but enable to change the details like the DOB of email add, you need 2 ask the account holder fax the passport copy to Air NZ

Gifetee needs 2 be under the same residencial add as the account holder, you can change it later, no worries...

Thanks for your great kindess&reply!!!
Will the promotion code be the same for every year. In my mind: The promotion code for last  year and early this year is the same as JOINAP.
Could you please tell me how do we know when will be the expiration period on the application of airpoints’members every year?
Could you please tell me could we set our living address as Chinese residential address when applying gift register?
In addition: in an attempt to ustilising gift register successfully in the future,could you please tell me do we require to set every airpoints’ members the same phone number,the same email address or it is not really necessary???
Wish you have a greatest day!!!!!!
Wish you have a greatest night!!!!!!
Wish you have a greatest weekend!!!!!!

lol...gr8t 2 share the things i know with u...

while v say v r running the promotion...well...these days i m guessing that none of the airline's
frequent flighter programme cost any joining fee...and u can definately join anytime during
the year, no limitation

you can set up whatever postal add you like, but just bare in mind that if v send out some stuff       
by mail 2 the add and it returns back, we might consider this add is not a valid one and do        
have the possibility to tem close until the account holder to confirm it back

4 the giftee, the only requirement is under the same household, so the postal add needs 2       
b the same, but not the ph no. n email

haha...welcome 2 ask any more if u still not sure

Thanks for your great kindess&reply!!!

Your English is great.
You have stong enlish expression abilities.
Your english is pretty impressive

Wish you have a greatest day!!!!!!
Wish you have a greatest night!!!!!!-
Wish you have a greatest weekend!!!!!!)

we might consider this add is not a valid one and do           
have the possibility to tem close until the account holder to confirm it back3
I am not quite sure that.I may misundersntand that.Could you please help me explain in another way?
Does the air new zeland donot trust many members live in the same residenticial address?

Could you please tell me may airpoints members' applicants be able to  change their living address later for Gift Register?
Could you please tell me mayairpoints members' applicants be able their living address to therir chinese residential address later for Gift Register?
Could you please tell me  at the time of submiting the application for Air New Zealand Airpoint Members doe they need to set their living address as NZ's home address,is that a need or a must?

as i told u that u can put whatever postal add in the details, no matter how many people using the same add, v won't
review it and criticized it. The reason i said it might consider as not valid add is related to the question that can
u put other country's add in to it,you can, but if any return mail that can't delivery then the rules apply.

the giftee needs 2 under the same postal add enable to sucessfully under giftee, u can change add later if u like.

Thanks for all great messages !!!!!!!

Could you please tell me  could they as this type of questions from air new zealand?
Could you please tell me  could they as this type of questions from air new zealand on-line customer service?
Could you please tell me  is there any possibilty of failsue for the application of gift register or the rejection of the application of gift register in the forseeable future?
Could you please tell me have you think of the servicing quality of Air New Zealand?

Could you please tell me have you think of the servicing quality of customer service for Air  New Zealand
Could you please tell me have you think of the servicing quality of customer service for Air  New Zealand,expecially in terms of the chinese staff working in shanghai and beijing office of Air Zealand?
Do you think the the servicing quality is high or low or just in the middle?
Could you please tell me if think of the servicing quality of customer service for Air  New Zealand is not satisfactory,what would you do?
Could you please tell me if think of the servicing quality of customer service for Air  New Zealand is not satisfactory,what would you do?Wouold you make complaint about that?How would you make complaint?When would you make complaint?Who would you make complaint?What sorts of compunication skills or content in the whole process of the complainting?

Do you think the the servicing quality is high or low or just in the middle?



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