

; G1 X3 B( }  U! X0 U& U( I3 [1 v. P
" ]0 g: d& ~, j它总是想咬人,似乎特别不服气
% a/ q2 C& s- ?- c& N. _, r+ B, L7 y/ m% q- s
1 g" P7 D$ b( q; n% ^  m2 ^+ o# n% x! w& p$ ^5 f3 h
我想问问,趁着狗还小,是不是应该给它树立权威? 它再张嘴咬人的时候是不是该下手打?




) t' O6 i& i2 y: h' K- _% [谢谢,我个人是这么个观点。。 这边PUPPY CLASS 的洋人总是说无论如何不能打,还说要和它建立一个互相尊重的关系,可是我总觉着这不可能,狗就是狗,尤其德牧应该还说有一点狼性,在他们的pack里面也不是互相尊重也是靠胳膊腿粗来说话的。。
/ |8 d1 u0 v& k% N
: c. K  N8 q* }7 i: C$ I" c看了那个斗牛犬的帖子更觉着有必要在它触及底线的时候动手打




8 G" I( s4 t, ~% r2 a2 l! n3 I1 n
报了。。 所以才知道洋人的那套‘互相尊重’的理论。。 也不敢说那个不对,只是我们真的没有那么多的时间和耐心去让它用几个月的时间来学会不咬人。。 9 c" {. ~# I2 V" b0 t' K

! K3 q6 L; R, r2 N& a; {我认为这是狗的最基本的底线,如果连主人都咬的话,那我还养它干嘛


5 h# h" K# ?9 G- }$ w! p是啊。。。 很少看完那么长的帖子。。。


+ l& E( W# ]+ j2 j" M6 y罰站對其脊椎損害大。

* x. Y$ V  b$ p( Z
我养德牧ten years.我家狗也咬人,但从没咬过主人,狗小时候不听话,也打过他,咬坏沙发,咬过朋友。打他。他大了,就不咬东西了,他去年走了,很难过。一般来说,德牧要有大的活动。不下雨,我天天带他去跑半小时。德牧很忠诚。

  h, o0 ~+ y" m7 L( |
谢谢,我也一直希望它张大了就会变好了。。 没有想让他成为驯服的小狗,但是咬主人我还是认为无法接受,还是会选择打它

# U, t, l4 A5 a: ^! G  k

一定要严厉管教.他们很快就学会了,知道什么不可以咬.他咬你也许不是恶意,比如跟其他的狗玩也会咬./ ?5 R' }1 }, W
6 f$ `- Y$ @1 U8 H2 A& C3 R& R) U我的狗现在还会呲牙吓唬我,但是无论如何她都回避开碰到我.

小的时候要打的,以前洋人班上都教不要打,但是我发觉最后都是要打一顿才记事。反而现在狗狗长大了,就不用打了,她做错了我们都是先让她down,真的不听话了再轻轻打她。就像小孩的time out一样,她知道自己做错了所以被罚趴下的。狗狗都很懂人性 就是需要一点耐心和包容而已。


/ D$ Q/ n5 I+ K请问你的严厉管教是‘打出来’的吗

( P. e4 A9 V/ b$ t" S4 o. W
9 J2 v, L) S' U  E2 ^, ~4 y* z2 I9 x$ O) H) R- N9 Q) K
我以前還挺羨慕別人家的小狗會這么站著。后來就是偶然看了一些資料說這樣不好。3 b1 ?$ P2 o& k+ B; h8 m
平時讓她玩玩應該問題不太吧。但不要太久。. I) g: B' C; J; m
* d2 M; G% ~! |4 }

, O/ F9 g3 {. o1 @# f2 a: W! G
[backcolor=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)]唉!我就是听说了上下楼梯对狗脊椎不好 所以我们都是抱她上下楼梯的!

9 Y! W& z) l$ g0 e
是呀。但這只能是我們在家時。8 Q6 ~' T0 U+ P0 U

9 f4 ]3 R* s8 R2 s  C5 N' w  |2 H平時不在家,他都自己從DOG DOOR出去廁所。其實我還想他可以像貓咪一樣用貓砂。估計不容易。他一定不愿意在家去。以前剛開始是憋到我們回家,不久就給他裝是DOG DOOR。就自由了。還從不太的GATE GAP走出去外面玩,離家出走了一次。幸好找得回。* r4 O1 p7 s6 U4 I/ r4 F: @
2 B' o. h# c$ M6 x

还是要打吧 , 咬人很严重的啦  不过可以用报纸打啦 。

咬人是因为身边没了兄弟姐妹 没人玩在跟你玩呢


不要打 说真的 我觉得打狗狗对他们没有任何的好处 而且还可能造成他们心里上的阴影
8 A* E4 {/ n% ~4 A; F; U( b6 m7 F5 u( x+ M  P# J
一般的教育 骂一骂就好了 或者是关禁闭在家不带他们出去玩 又或者是用水强射他们的脸 或者是用石子装进易拉罐猛摇  这些方法无论哪一种都比打勾勾要好

) |# Z: [" e  R( ^. j6 L0 w4 d

http://bbs.goumin.com/thread-1285538-1-1.html5 p" G. Z/ q- w4 W

% U1 Y9 {+ ^" n$ W# g2 N- Yhttp://bbs.goumin.com/thread-2993122-1-1.html9 f0 z' Z% G+ U
: d1 Y& V: n" z8 N; }  b

两个半月!大家别想太多了。: ]5 }. f& g: J% X  X* Y
' t$ Y( x9 W7 ]. {8 x$ I
这个阶段的叫Puppy。就是小孩的意思。他们没有手,不能像小孩子一样用手扯你的衣角吸引你的注意力,只能用嘴巴。只有当你对他的牙齿产生恐惧的时候,才会产生:你的观念是“咬人”,他的观念是:这样可以控制你。/ O1 M$ ^9 j- \. d! |9 [# J: C$ G
5 \$ h/ M0 y7 L7 v
犬类没有家庭观念,只有群族观念,等级观念。幼犬从吃奶开始就不断努力提高自己的等级地位。当你产生害怕、厌烦等等众多消极情绪中的一种,而不是心态坚定的时候,他们能吸收到并且利用这些来控制你,从而提高自己的地位。3 q3 f- ^5 z/ {- n1 Z

) [9 {  P& r* s5 H4 M+ g打,貌似管用,但这是失败者承认自己没法处理问题的方法。而且很多副作用,包括:狗狗会特别胆小或者学会暴力处理问题。即使特别胆小也会因此产生攻击性——大多数狗咬人是因为恐惧到了极点。
, r3 Q0 J0 k4 V3 j# a4 M  M7 _/ t$ s8 K+ {. [
处理任何问题,首先要有一个正确的态度。养狗的态度,可以比方为做一个中国式严父,立场坚定,无论什么事情都要达成,一切挑战主人地位的行为都要用低低的喉音来制止,一旦停止就要奖励,或者让他用正确的方式/做正确的事,比如给他咬狗咬胶。& U3 Q& a% T. T- X# H

: G5 M3 o2 s) k9 U这并不需要好长时间。通常纠正幼犬,只需要几秒钟的正确反映。当然,幼犬的这种行为会反复,但这种反复恰恰是你纠正他的时机,反复纠正几次,以后就基本上不会了。其实,你的态度坚定更给了他安全感,更能让他理智地处理这个家的保护事务。

本帖最后由 daniellerose20 于 2014-7-30 19:30 编辑 9 h% n5 U3 q/ s) d) K% Z

: Z% [: f6 F4 k5 I3 `# t; [打把骂吧!狗向人学的,打过的狗咬人,骂过的狗爱叫。3 v8 w6 w7 W* S: b- R+ G

0 E- \# p, `& ]* x6 ?2 U  Q
. N& u( W7 v- M( Z2 F& G小狗有时以为这么咬是好玩,下嘴不知轻重。兇、打、骂只会加重复症状因为牠得到了妳的attention,牠觉得更好玩了。
& v2 n3 C0 x/ h: t: W5 N9 t下次咬重了就大声"尖叫"然后不理睐他至少半小时,可以自己坐髙处牠爬不上的地方或自己关房里面。或关牠起来15mins

http://www.wikihow.com/Stop-Puppy-Biting0 z/ q# K4 _6 c( `  |( k1 K

, u( |1 x; u5 k5 ?0 `- nHow to Stop Puppy Biting
  E2 n3 n" _; mEdited by Topdogtraining and 12 others# H; W, E# A$ H/ p" D

: _# R; e' v6 VPuppies can be cute, but they are oftentimes untrained and can nip and bite. Here are some steps and tips on how to train your puppy to stop biting.
1 U6 g& J: c7 u" ~! F; ?  s# j3 G6 Y0 x
4 a2 Y) x5 F( B* Z- [+ ]' d) r. g2 RSocialize your puppy. Puppy socialization is important for your puppy to learn normal dog behaviors[1]. A well socialized dog will know how to play with other dogs and will not bite at the first sign of a threat.
0 I$ j# P6 `/ q8 n# |Socializing dogs helps them from becoming too fearful when they meet a new dog or person.
: Y' X/ `* C( z3 C& v: zPuppies should be socialized with both other dogs and people outside of your immediate family.
# s$ N$ o8 ~! j. X2Assert your dominance over the puppy as soon as you bring it home.Though puppies are adorable, they are also pack animals and will follow a pack leader. Before you even start training your puppy, make sure that it sees you as the pack leader and that it is not trying to assert its dominance over you.
8 k! _6 V: Z; M- jDo not let your puppy get away with everything when you bring it home. Set clear boundaries such as where the puppy is allowed to be in the house, when it is allowed to eat, and what it can play with.
) ^/ i; \. R8 KIf your puppy violates any boundaries, discipline it swiftly and consistently. For example, if the puppy is only allowed to be in the kitchen, reprimand it verbally and remove it as soon as it enters the living room or a bedroom.9 D5 T) W$ q0 a; b* x& ~" w- |& r

( \4 B9 {& N; l4 B8 ]7 b# b3Discourage any nipping or biting right away by giving a verbal warning and then ignoring the puppy. Though it may be cute and harmless at first, even some playful nipping can lead to aggressive habits.
0 D+ W4 s2 V2 C5 EGive a strong, clear verbal reprimand to the puppy when he bites. Say "No," in a stern voice and hold out your hand in a commanding way. This will teach the puppy that you are in charge and that you do not approve of its behavior.
, }  S! n8 i( J4 \) p% S1 x# xWithdraw attention from the biting puppy. Walk away from it and only restore attention, when the puppy is behaving properly[2].2 i5 J) ^" }) M3 ^7 u) ?
1 h2 U7 j0 l# F
4& T) F4 O. S  ?4 n
If your puppy is teething, give it a clear "No!" if he nips on you and give it a chew toy or bone to chew on.
4 i) R6 P8 l  g8 Y1 B0 W4 jPuppies like to chew on things when they're teething, so you have to teach the puppy that it cannot bite humans but that it can chew on specific objects that you give it.
; r1 U3 h/ L$ z2 |5& {5 R4 W: c2 F; m7 I3 h% J) |
Make the puppy think that it is hurting you every time it bites. In the animal world, when puppies are biting and nipping each other, it only stops when they yelp in pain[1].( J( p# R4 n" d
Make a high yelp or an "Ouch!" whenever your puppy bites you. Stop playing with the puppy afterwards as well. The puppy will learn that if it bites, its playmate leaves.- \$ |- C  Q: T! U
64 _4 b0 Z* X: x7 ]+ f$ W
Create a physical reprimand every time the puppy bites. You don't want to hit or slap your puppy away, but you can still create an unpleasant situation for it if it nips or bites at you.
8 @$ n& G; I! V& e; f4 d, ^Use a spray bottle and spritz your puppy in the face every time it bites.
6 L$ `2 Q3 F3 N5 G1 U0 `& `Put on a pair of gloves and apply something that tastes bad onto them. If your puppy bites you on the hand, it will soon come to associate the disgusting taste with biting.4 }4 Q( d1 E' Y8 H
5 ]2 r: B; Y& W, O3 n6 sMake sure that your puppy is getting enough exercise and safe play every day. Puppies often bite or nip because they want to play or are bored[3].! m9 V8 J' U  a& v6 O8 C/ `
Teach your puppy that games like fetch, frisbee and tug-of-war are acceptable for playtime.
1 @! S/ y4 G  y* A, Y6 }: {- hTake your puppy for a walk or jog once or twice a day.
8 i# ~# Z( ?0 C2 G5 {Schedule at least 15-30 minutes of playtime each day where the puppy can burn off some excess energy.
. S! S' b9 A9 }/ ^, E/ k) A
3 C" t& z8 w/ b0 G% I7 _8 w/ P. c7 a8
; P0 ]/ M: s( s- J) HContact a professional. If you are still having serious problems with puppy biting and none of the at-home methods you've tried seem to be working, consider taking your dog to a professional pet trainer.  Q8 `7 U6 H# U" M+ Q
Many pet stores offer obedience courses that you can take with your dog.


3 [  r  g% {: X; K
4 ^" I* e% j$ U还有严肃呵斥,用报纸卷成筒打他身边的地板.不一定非打在身上.: K# Y6 C( I( l- v( d4 _
有时候也得打.; B2 N3 f+ V* ~: c



新西兰本帖最后由 Shuran 于 2024-5-10 19:35 编辑 # r1 _3 \. H0 B) D ' D' B8 a+ g9 ~3 W; }% { $50,已除虫, 中区three kings自取。电话0211981588 或加微信号: Lillian-2013 u1 E1 e/ A5 s1 ~0 r ; k8 u& U4 N* Z- ]6 N1 s' S 3 O- ...



新西兰这个周三上午去骑马我们现在有两个人但是觉得人太少了 去骑马太单调了 有没有同样志同道合的朋友啊 大家结伴一起哦 如果想一起 就联系一下啊我们这边有车可以做五个人 评论 在哪 ...



新西兰哪位朋友知道北岸往北有骑马的地方吗?如果有,请给个联系电话,谢谢了。 评论 电话就没有了,但GLENFIELD RD似乎有一个骑马的地方,ROSEDALE RD交接的地方,自己开过去瞧瞧吧 评论 W ...



新西兰本帖最后由 三分帅气 于 2024-6-8 18:33 编辑 1 J( T) |5 p$ Z+ Y" v% c 6 @" H4 @' C2 {! K7 q; K5 @3 K 。。。。。。。。。。。。 评论 本帖最后由 三分帅气 于 2024-4-15 20:53 编辑 5 C. m; C' T- c - J! t8 U! o0 ...



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奥克兰 |宠物上门喂养 猫猫/狗狗

新西兰本人是3只猫的铲屎官,超级喜欢猫孩子们。3 ?2 {$ n3 ?/ PJ6 P 要去旅行或者回国的小伙伴担心家里的毛孩子,又找不到合适的寄养的情况,可以上门帮忙喂养哦!主要范围:西区北岸,其 ...



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