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新西兰反对用动物特别是狗狗用来做party pills实验的遊行。 A2 S1 M Y$ |2 ~) E1 Z- f8 J
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星期二,6 W9 @- y4 X* @9 s' K0 P
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Queen Elizebeth Square 聚会然后走上皇后街,可以帶宠物。
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本帖最后由 daniellerose20 于 2013-9-13 08:51 编辑 ; p; s4 u# K1 R8 |! l: |4 ~2 b
转: 纽民众抗议用动物测试兴奋剂 政策急转) U- C7 J. @( R
; M7 n( W: a( d/ H1 @2 v5 V
[backcolor=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)]纽民众抗议用动物测试兴奋剂 政策急转
[backcolor=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)]【大纪元2013年07月31日讯】(大纪元记者魏仲芝新西兰奥克兰报导)新西兰国会日前通过立法,允许派对用的合法兴奋剂在动物身上做测试,引起动物保护团体及宠物主人的不满,并于本周二在全国11个城市进行抗议。
国会通过的精神药物法(Psychoactive Substances Act)对合法兴奋药物的使用做出了限制,不过也允许新药物在必要时用动物做测试。在此之前,行动党党魁John Banks与绿党曾提出更严格管制动物测试的法案,不过在7月10日被否决,最后这个立法在121名议员中取得了119张赞成票,John Banks则投下反对票。
奥克兰的组织者Angela Beer认为,这个法律“残忍而且没有效”。她遣责政府无视7万个签名请愿和民意调查,通过了这项违反世界潮流的不道德法令。
对于该立法引起如此大的反弹,卫生副部长Todd McClay表示,欢迎这些抗议活动,因为这是民众执行民主权利的好范例。McClay还说,他本人也是忧心动物测试兴奋剂的人士之一。
本帖最后由 daniellerose20 于 2013-9-13 08:55 编辑 , a' t7 I4 M4 g$ h+ S
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http://www.iwellington.co.nz/portal.php?mod=view&aid=1552, S) G6 I* J% u9 S2 U# V Y& o
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据OneNews和Stuff 消息,昨天有11个城市的几千人上街抗议法律允许在动物身上做精神刺激类药物的实验。 活动人士游行抗议“精神刺激物质法案”(Psychoactive Substances Act)获得国会通过。该项法案7月份获得通过用来管理合成药物的销售。在新的法案约束下,制药商需要实验证明他们的产品是可以安全使用的。然而,为了完全禁止用动物做药物实验而提出的修正案却被国会在7月10日否决了。2 Q6 L0 `& L c: _- L
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虽然卫生部副部长Todd McClay表示,制药商只是在没有其他选择的情况下才会用动物做这类药物的实验。但这个解释并没有被很多保护动物的活动人士接受,11个城市的抗议者成群结队地来到市中心。最大的抗议发生在奥克兰和惠灵顿,据Stuff 消息,在惠灵顿大概有300人带着他们的宠物参与了这次的抗议活动。有活动人士在Facebook上告知,在Dunedin也有大概200人带着至少100只狗来参加抗议。很多活动人士挥舞着印有动物的标语牌,上面写道:“就为了让你得到兴奋,为什么我就该死?” 他们甚至静默站立为那些在过去遭受实验痛苦的动物致哀。) |6 }# w' V7 B+ z4 X+ I2 Z+ F
组织者Angela Beer表示,人们为这个“不人道和不起作用”的法律感到愤怒。她表示,“我不理解为什么政府这样表决。新西兰因绿色形象而闻名,但这项法案完全与国外条例相抵触,在国外,用动物做兴奋类药物的实验是不道德的,而且是没有必要的。政府完全忽略7万人的请愿和公众意见去通过了这项法案。”. }* ]) G1 @. \9 J
http://nz.news.yahoo.com/a/-/top-stories/18701809/new-move-on-animal-testing-for-party-pills/& e; |4 D6 F+ D C+ i/ ]
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Prime Minister John Key isn't opposing Labour's bid to ban animal testing for party pills and ACT leader John Banks is already celebrating success.
Labour's Trevor Mallard on Thursday gained permission from parliament to put up an amendment to a bill that's in the pipeline which would override the Psychoactive Substances Act and ban the use of animals for testing "legal highs" to prove they're safe.
The government could have blocked him, but it didn't.
Mr Key says he decided earlier this week to let the amendment go through to the select committee which is working on the Animal Welfare Amendment Bill.
The committee has the power to insert Mr Mallard's clause.
"I certainly don't like animal testing," Mr Key told reporters.
"Let's have the debate around this and hear what New Zealanders have to say."
The Psychoactive Substances Act, passed last month, put strict controls on party pills but it doesn't rule out animal testing.
It was a big issue with animal rights activists, who staged protest marches and rallies.
Mr Banks, a fierce opponent of animal testing, thinks the ban will go through.
"This is a great day for New Zealand," he said.
"We can make this happen, the voice of the people will make it happen."
Mr Banks, a government ally, says he hasn't been given an assurance it will support Mr Mallard's amendment.
[backcolor=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)]"But I know John Key loves his cat Moonbeam, and I know he really believes in protecting and looking after animals," he said.. j" k; ]4 o! Y" B. ]5 I2 B$ S* q- v; |+ Q5 h) [