**经验丰富的狗狗家长们,也请留言说说自家啥品种,用的什么梳子,啥牌子的,哪儿买的~打架沟通和交流一下哈~O(∩_∩)O~**9 O5 N, n/ G) A- C9 q# U- E
宠物美容梳理工具的使用步骤:8 X/ C& o& g1 B& O1 u
第一步:剔除废毛用钢针梳和针布梳将打结的被毛梳顺如果打结秀严重的被毛则要选用解结梳废毛剔除的同时可以用橡胶梳梳去废毛也可以用钉耙梳或亮毛梳, p* h9 ^2 b' J1 {6 k `
9 T: b) {8 `3 M( P* n
第二步:梳理 按摩宠物的被毛可以起到血液循环的作用,可以使用木柄钢针刷,椭圆形尼龙刷,椭圆形猪鬃刷。
) u9 e9 W8 J$ |4 W
第三步:整理被毛梳理按摩结束后要确认宠物被毛其他细微部分的毛发(如尾部,腹部,后脑等部位)此时应选用两面梳,宽距梳,窄距梳,以及长短距梳。' j* S+ O& Z1 o- x$ m/ X* A
' W6 F% Z1 E0 {5 Z5 [4 c
第四步:修剪指甲阻止指甲伤害肉球,防止指甲伤害到家具和地板,可以使用剪刀式指甲剪,断头台式指甲剪。 Y/ N. \3 G- k! A
, X/ V1 v6 n! k+ t; H2 `/ m
第五步:梳洗被毛的污垢可以使用双面洗澡刷,或选用长毛狗用洗澡刷和短毛狗用洗澡刷。4 ?* U; A" k; Q/ Z, c
9 {; E/ Q6 ]3 Q. i, j8 w7 i3 k* y; J
第六步:驱除跳蚤防止皮肤病和缓解紧张状态,可以使用跳蚤捕捉器,带柄跳蚤梳,无柄跳蚤梳。2 a; P, Y a/ }4 M, H5 S
/ E4 h2 J$ H" ^2 Z' i) E+ ?
8 G3 z3 Z5 E. Q% S$ O9 ^- r
↓Type:Slicker Brush (T柄型) -- 值得注意的梳子,注意说明

Slicker brushes are perfect for long-haired breeds, even if they don't shed!
Tips & Warnings/ r A+ t1 o ~
3 u3 R* ?" ]8 r/ |
/ d& s- A' a$ o( Q& o
- 7 v+ \! J: p% Q* d w
Slicker brushes are primarily for long-haired breeds. Examples are Bichons and German Shepherd.
Use a slicker brush to control shedding and to eliminate matting of the fur.- + W; T4 }7 h3 E- j( A. K; q
Do not use long brush strokes as you would on longer human hair.
Do not brush too hard. The bristles are made of metal and will scratch your dog's skin.
- Step 1
Smaller slicker brushes are used for around the toes, legs, face, and tail. Larger slicker brushes are perfect for the rest of the body.# w1 ~- p. G, n8 L6 C/ m- H0 e9 w3 x$ \
Step 29 A* c. M% b, `& R2 t
Begin brushing your dog's back close to the base of the tail.
Step 3* L1 [! M' F& B n5 c
Going with the grain of your dog's hair, use a scooping motion to brush each portion of hair. Your whole arm should remain relatively stationary while your forearm turns 90 degrees. The curved end of the bristles should be pointing back toward his tail.5 z9 e5 ^2 Q+ r! e
Step 4
Work your way up toward the neck. Put down the large slicker brush when you have brushed all of the flat areas of your dog's body.
Step 5
Using a smaller slicker brush, use the same techniques to brush the more curvacious areas of your dog: tail, legs, toes, and neck area. The face should not require much, if any, brushing.
Use a metal dog comb to clean out the hair that you have collected, whenever necessary.& v1 ^/ q3 o! z |6 ~& ?7 D$ t* t
4 ?8 p$ z0 Y* ?: w6 ]6 L
(http://www.ehow.com/how_2196975_use-slicker-brush-dog.html): F, r; z( C5 g9 q! {" O7 r
) c" C4 [+ N3 u$ k, s6 Z f
↓Brand:美国No.1顶尖 Type:直柄类针梳(也有T柄的)
说明:Pin Brush with cusion. 有Cusion的梳子在梳理的过程中,有缓冲的作用,可以按摩促进狗狗的血液循环。
↓Type:T柄的针梳(小型无cusion)' R& b) K' B7 a4 {
& i3 g- O6 F: V
说明:也是Pin brush,适合小型犬,T柄很合手,梳理方便
0 s) t+ }( z, e% {$ `$ E8 I2 V
↓Type:尖尾梳 Long tail comb
↓Type: 长短距排梳 Mental Comb* E& t7 f0 h$ C# a
. z; O% j2 C% w6 m ^/ o: D
↓Type:Ionic Boar/Brass Handled Brush 鬃毛梳4 N! v, X# _! f! y# b+ }
说明:没有手柄的叫鬃毛刷,也有便宜的尼龙款的。尼龙款就容易产生静电,比较推荐动物毛。此类梳子用来梳理Top Coat(上层毛)
↓Type:钉耙梳 Undercoat Rake
----------------------------------------------梳子分割线----------------------------------------------4 Y% M" ?: T+ P* q: e+ N: }1 O
How to Choose the Best Dog Grooming Brush
大家根据自己养的品种,请根据下文了解自家狗狗毛发所属的类别。$ J0 ~/ K. V0 n6 d$ N/ G& S) @6 h
8 \; Y& e F1 O' s0 T; b
经验丰富的狗狗家长们,也请留言说说自家啥品种,用的什么梳子,啥牌子的,哪儿买的~打架沟通和交流一下哈~O(∩_∩)O~( e0 M4 n) c' g. S; }* J
# u) n: ~* w+ ]5 f
Y1 Q! L4 P5 t* u$ R$ p9 y
日常梳理的好处是减少掉毛和体味。如果掉毛很严重,就要审视是不是用错梳子,或者是狗狗的皮肤健康问题了。0 l2 [. }+ u7 P$ d& u5 o
; D7 X% s o9 q9 A! w+ J2 f; V
2 h' F" g3 y3 n& N. o" d; \1 n# O* A
1 Dogs with thin coats: (马尔济斯,约克夏)-- 单层不掉毛的品种,毛质属于Hair
Examples of dogs with thin coats are the Maltese and the Yorkshire Terrier. These dogs are singled coated meaning they don't have an undercoat and their fur tends to be more delicate than that found on most other dogs, almost like human hair in some respects. For dogs with thin coats, a pin brush is ideal. These brushes have metal pins attached to a soft metal base. Be sure to choose a brush with coated pins to avoid scratching your dog's delicate skin. Follow up by combing with a metal comb to remove any tangles. Dogs with thin, delicate hair should be brushed dry. A wet coat makes the fur weaker and even more delicate which can result in hair loss and damage.6 y* B0 i8 U4 @4 C
-->总而言之:不能使用梳理Undercoat的梳子作为日常护理(例如Slicker Brush和钉耙梳){但是可以用来开结,而且推荐使用三角形的Slicker Brush来开结}。$ R* s& j6 m$ U8 P/ h/ J( Y, v: e4 c" b
推荐:Pin Brush(针梳),和Metal Comb(排梳)。
' h. |* W0 Q1 h1 g: P- j
2 Dogs with long, flowing coats (金毛巡回犬和阿富汗猎犬)
8 N" H9 a* u4 w: J( V1 r
This group would include the Golden Retriever and the Afghan. The top coat of these dogs is best brushed with a high quality bristle brush. These brushes when used regularly can give the coat a polished shine. To reduce shedding, brush the undercoat with an undercoat rake on a regular basis.3 h8 i$ Y! s9 F+ S% S
-->总而言之:! D" P7 Q A: v
推荐:High Quality Brush (高品质的鬃毛刷),Undercoat Rake (钉耙梳)。( |1 ]# A" ?" o
3 Dogs with wiry coats (万能梗和雪纳瑞){西高好像也是} / B+ t4 h2 J# Q7 {+ y* T6 s
The Airdale Terrier and the Schnauzer are the best examples of a wiry coated dog breeds. A high quality, firm pin brush is ideal for regular grooming of these dogs. Select a brush with bristles that are closely spaced for best performance. A daily brushing will help to keep a wiry coat from matting.$ \$ Z9 C$ p7 V% [- S5 Y- u; o
-->总而言之:Wiry coat = 刚毛。国内提倡拔,而不是剃的一种毛质{个人不太能接受...}。+ T4 X& Q! s) P) C8 Q' d0 t4 [ u
推荐:High Quality, Firm Pin Brush (高品质牢固的针梳),A brush with Bristles (带鬃毛的刷子){有一种又有pin又有Bristles的梳子,大家可以去看看是不是适合刚毛用的}
针梳用来日常护理;棕毛刷可以让此类狗狗保持最佳状态。建议每日梳理。$ ]% J z7 Z9 }7 W& ~
4 Dogs with rough outer coats and soft undercoats (牧羊犬)-- 毛发属于Hair* P# u& q5 j/ A; T
% q9 N ]; W" c$ r
The classic breed with this type of hair pattern is the collie. For the dog with a rough outer coat, pin brush can be used to remove loose fur. If small mats or tangles are present, follow up with a slicker brush to remove tangles. Because these dogs have undercoats, it's essential to follow up by brushing with an undercoat rake to remove loose hair that collects in that region. Don't apply too much pressure when using an undercoat brush or you could scratch your dog's skin.! w9 f; {6 V9 }0 h. g' F3 ^
-->总而言之:( W. T/ D/ W7 J; k. ~
推荐:Pin Brush(针梳),Slicker Brush(见上面的图). {' q/ a- E1 T. m4 a; C
对于外层毛,使用针梳用来减少已经掉下的毛发(废毛);推荐使用Slicker brush来开结;为减少底层的废毛,建议使用钉耙梳梳理底毛。
6 a$ W3 a5 L! c4 g2 x
5 Dogs with smooth, short coats: (ie. 短毛吉娃娃)/ j& ]( k( W) ^7 l$ s1 \4 R# ~
This type of dog is probably the easiest to care for from a grooming standpoint. Brushing twice a week with a firm bristle brush to remove excess fur and prevent shedding is usually sufficient.
-->总而言之:这种类型的狗狗是最好打理的。9 N# h% f0 }8 b! B% ^
推荐:Firm Bristle Brush (牢固的鬃毛梳)2 t- w5 W j q: B2 ?
一周梳理两次,建议使用鬃毛梳来去除过长的毛,同时可预防掉毛。* T, `% f5 u5 j P7 F2 L
6 Poodle:Lamb Coat (比熊的家长也一起看过来~)* k) c* \9 ?& m: b; q
The Standard Poodle has a voluminous, wiry, curly coat. Although the stereotypical poodle is snow-white in color, they come in other colors such as brown and black. Poodles are distinguished and aristocratic in manner and you should make sure to keep your pet poodle well-groomed and styled. Their grooming regimen is fairly demanding, requiring a full grooming every 4 to 6 weeks and a general grooming at least once a week. (More Info:http://www.ehow.com/how_2098742_groom-poodle.html )% H4 `( v. n# l
推荐:Metal Comb,Slicker Brush。8 u1 z) A/ C* c; n7 w( c# c
7 f* h+ J8 m0 B/ B/ F) F
----------------------------------------------选梳子分割线----------------------------------------------% R' Z7 P4 D$ P+ I" h/ v
在这里私心以下,Po下约克夏适合的梳子:2 d' Y! ~1 j" S3 _7 W6 \
长尾梳,Pin Brush的带cusion/T型的Pin Brush,鬃毛梳在使用Pin Brush之前使用。
哇哈哈~我在这里就抛砖引玉献丑啦!希望大大们不吝赐教~跟帖发表各自的意见: l0 S& ^" S! _7 e4 x2 E4 \6 e
buji妈辛苦啦~ 9 T# N* ~3 ]/ T5 L
刚开始我也买错梳子了,后来还是和buji妈聊天 才知道哪种是适合小约的呢~~' ^5 W9 M1 \; T$ y/ U/ o7 F" N
P- ~0 i) ~8 G5 \' e0 c& d
CC的Buttercomb,就是图4和图5是给single coat ,fall coats like Yorkies用的。
4 r' @) U9 E! v- F7 ? V
值得注意的是千万不要给小约用Slicker Brush ,这款是给double coated breeds设计的,小约是single 8 k$ M" ^3 d* m
- c$ [2 i8 _3 E" p H
coat,会伤到小约的皮肤,引起脱毛~1 \( y) K: a* N& H' Z; A* N5 Y
, Z1 }, W# c. ~! Z( x7 ], t
只知道给小约用哪种,别种狗狗还没养过,不知道呢~~不过buji妈写的很全了$ I; P$ h5 Y- m* L
嘿嘿,我家也是小約哦,不過看上去我好像用的梳子不太對哦,剛剛去那個賣cc的網站上看了,不過選擇太多了看得我都暈了,到底要選那種lz給點建議吧~~~謝謝哦~~~! G; q$ K. h7 q D* W% l- U
http://www.showthyme.co.nz/index ... cchk=1&Itemid=3
5# +__+ ; ^" H) F- Z' f2 o6 A
7 T q9 y4 t- Z m3 G7 {4 ]
CC Buttercomb 7” Tail Comb Fine
BTW,ShowThyme那个网站我已经无语了,好多梳子和产品都断货不登出来7 C( U' Z: m; g4 `! R p5 v+ `1 z2 E4 L
6# duduFly 4 |/ H6 J; q7 k0 F
; ?- i$ _' p6 @% M# q
辛苦了小神婆 我姗姗来迟 扭来扭去的给你顶顶 我们也打算换个梳子 感谢你在这个时候发了个帖子 正好让我们参考参考 嘿嘿
4 i6 j9 e/ Y8 b! F8 A+ o5 ?3 l
貌似我也买错梳子了,额~~~~ {:7_360:} 要去换
不错 长知识拉顶一下
我来了。Slicker Brush对于博美,尖嘴等炸毛的狗(萨摩没养过,但说来应该差不多吧?)来说可以开结,双层毛的gg毛发很不易打结。打结也一般不会打死。所以用这种brush开结不错。而且梳出来的效果蛮漂亮的。但是用这种梳子同样的会把双层毛gg引以为傲的底毛(undercoat)给梳没。同时由于她梳毛的时候会一直把健康的毛发也生生拉下来,对毛囊和皮肤也有一定的伤害。因此,slicker brushk可以用,但最好只用来开结0 ^ V8 Q. C9 r
想請問下! 我家的是可卡
他現在毛打結的很嚴重 尤其是耳朵下面 不敢亂剪 怕傷到他- G) a2 a3 d+ c
請問我該怎樣選擇梳子去弄開結? 已經結的很深很大團了
推子? 是幫宝宝悌毛的那個麻? 悌的都會卡住..
如果是严重的打结,怕自己处理不来,还是去grooming那儿,把那儿的毛剃了,重新来2 J1 Q% q7 p2 f+ I3 l1 u
, ~" g4 d; K8 x; R4 a
如果不严重,可以先用排梳把能梳通的尽量梳理通顺,然后把打结的部分摊在手上,使用slicker brush把打结的毛刷掉。4 G0 P5 n( y) G2 i5 a
1 b7 V: b6 a+ D. z9 M
& c. _5 b; G( T& {; S
人用的不行。。功率问题。要gg专用的。+ q; F! Q' `, R
' t z/ N1 r9 i) w9 L% T& Q
. i5 W) c4 Z$ V7 R
我也在ham! 哪天你有空 幫幫我八!! 不過我家狗狗不常被人剃毛 坐不住
很費勁就是了....# H9 S* o, \) K
那天自己給他剪毛...我是嘴巴刁著雞肉... 晃唷晃唷的 他才老实一點...
花了我一個多小時 ....
我家狗狗本來是要給別人弄 因為我們不會 但是他實在坐不住 也怕那些聲音
寵物店的人 都拿他沒辦法 所以才自己動手的...
= =原来你也在ham。早说阿。。最近圣诞期间有点忙。。。。