Hamilton本地公司,诚招一名part time Accountant &Office admin.
Job description:
- Maintain accurate debtors and creditors account
- Day to day accounts, communication with customers and suppliers
- Database and system admin
- Accounts Reconciliation
- Monthly accounts reporting and analysis
- GST & PAYE reparation and filling
- Office Administration/ proper and timely sending accounts,responds emails, following up on accounts.
- 要求有会计工作经验
- 工作细心严谨, 责任心强,思维敏捷,条理清晰
- Good computer skill, intermediate skill in excel, word, 熟悉MYOB, Outlook,
- 有自我解决问题能力,可multi-task,高工作效率
- 善于与同事和客户中英文交流,良好的服务态度,友好 专业的客服形象
- 应变能力,团体精神, can do attitude
- 需有本地合法学生或工作签证或者居民
- Full driver licenses
有意者,请邮件简历到[email protected],或者是电话联系咨询