Hi, we need some developers or part-time employees to help us to assist in wechat account assistant registration and operation. We are a digital marketing company based in SF and Singapore. In 8 years. We already helped 2k+ clients promote their brands and products on the social media accounts. Every day, we have lots of wechat registration requests from our new clients. We need you have skills as follows:
1. keep 24 hrs online.
2. you must have a wechat which was registered over one year.
3. you already have wechat pay.
4. If your location not in the mainland of China, you need have a wechat account over 6 months.
5. If you have wechat marketing experience, that is better.
What you will do:
1. help scan the qr code for a new wechat personal account registration.
2. assist in signing up a new wechat account.
1. $3-$5 for each order
2. we support upwork escrow transaction to keep our transaction security.And we pay our part-time employees via fiverr or upwork.
3. one order = you helped us and completed register a new wechat personal account
Send your resume and CV letter to our HR.
Email: [email protected]m
Bounteous(SF) network marketing co.ltd
Bounteous(SG)网络营销公司是一家电商运营和广告公司。在8年的时间里, 我们帮助企业做网络推广和电商产品销售,服务客户超过3K+, 疫情期间,订单逐渐增多。我们准备招聘wechat营销推广专员,wechat注册专员,和wechat好友辅助验证客服.
1. 24小时在线。
2. 微信注册时间超过1年
3. 已经开通了微信支付
4. 如果是海外华人用户,需注册wechat超过6个月。
5. 有自媒体工作经验者优先考虑
内容营销 您可以创建微信订阅号或服务号并且投放大量原创内容, 内容营销的目标是获得账号粉丝且参与并提高品牌知名度。
微信朋友圈 微信朋友圈就是朋友圈上面投放的广告。 该类广告通常出现在拥有大量粉丝的用户朋友圈中 且会经常在他们朋友和人脉朋友圈上 。
朋友圈卡片广告 朋友圈卡片广告类似Facebook新闻广告, 但它不是有六张图片(标准),而是一个大图像和标题/描述。
微信落地页广告 落地页广告是可以通过微信购买的广告,放置在订阅帐户内容的底部。 你可筛选想要放置落地页广告的订阅号,可选择正式帐户,而不是选择要投放广告的网站。 您也可以直接与帐户所有者联系, 提供付费以实现在其官方订阅号上投放落地页广告的目标。
关键意见领袖营销 KOL代表Key Opinion Influencer关键意见领袖, KOL这个词主要在中国使用。在西方,它只是影响者营销。 微信关键意见领袖营销与任何其他平台的影响者营销几乎相同。 大多数情况下,您需要向影响者付费,以促销、撰写、提及或谈论您的产品。