新西兰招kitchen hand
hello,我们是Parnell 出名的French market,目前需要招一名kitchen hand。可以full Time 或者part time,如果你想要extra hours 也可以晚上帮忙做function,店里同事友好,会帮你忙的,我们需要你态度认真负责,不会亏待你的。明天周末可以直接上门找我们聊一下,顺便逛逛集市啊,这个份工作是需要打税的!谢谢!
We have a position for kitchen hand please. So basically you help out in the kitchen and wash dishes please. There will be people that will help out towards the end of the day once they are freed up. You can come in tomorrow just to observe and get a fair idea of what goes on.