Office Admin
招聘一名全职office Aministrator. 周一到周五全天9点到下午5.30点,午饭休息半小时。需良好的英文交流能力,长期稳定,有良好的团队配合精神,能独立完成分配的工作,有耐心,认真仔细负责。公司地址在Mt Roksill,方便停车。申请者需要有合法的打工签证和税号,能够长期工作。工资高于最低工资,每年做review。有兴趣者请发CV至:[email protected] 或联系电话:09-9483298进行面试
Key responsibilities will include:
Customer care and services
Phone/emails enquire handling
Office Paperwork, including billing, invoicing,payment chasing, PAYROLL and etc.
Logistics, including freightand inwards/outwards goods.
Applicants must be New Zealand citizens orpermanent residents, or holding a valid NZ work visa.
Come and join our driven and focused team!
Please email your CV to [email protected]
We are looking forward to hearing from you!