新西兰Pukekohe 2 dollar store staff wanted
BONANZA PUKEKOHE is currently looking for a new staff member. Previous work experience within retail is preferable but not a must. It is a part time position that will include weekend work and certain weekdays as well, flexibility with working hours is also appreciated. Good communication and spoken English skills is a must. And high attention to detail, as well as good merchandising skills. It is highly encouraged and preferred that you come into our store and personally drop off your CV, between the working hours of 9am - 6pm, any day of the week. Store address: 106 Manukau Road, Pukekohe. If you are not able to come into the store to hand in your CV you may also email it to BonanzaVariety@gmail.com .
BONANZA PUKEKOHE招兼职员工一名。需要有较好的英文沟通能力和基本电脑操作。有工作经验者优先。
有意者可来访门店投简历(地址:106 Manukau Road, Pukekohe,9am-6pm)。或者发送简历至BonanzaVariety@gmail.com