新西兰Health and Beauty Hamilton store part time wanted
Health and Beauty Hamilton shop recruit part-time sales. Mainly responsible for the customer service in the store, as well as the website customer service, excellent performance can be considered to transfer to full-time. If you are interested, please send CV to us at [email protected]
Health and Beauty Hamilton店招兼职sales啦~要求有几点 :性格开朗积极向上,主要是负责店里客户服务, 以及网站客服 ,表现优异的可以考虑转全职哦,学生毕业后也可以考虑留店工作哦! 赞不赞? 本身有代购经验和一定客源的优先考虑,有意者请发CV至我们邮箱[email protected]