Enquiryabout job vacancy for Quantity Surveyor
I am enthusiastic andprofessional Quantity Surveyor from Malaysia.
For the past threeyears, I have worked as Contract Executive (Quantity Surveyor) at the topproperty developer company (S P Setia Group) in Malaysia and gained thevaluable experience as in-house QS. I have been involved in consultant andclient role from concept stage to post contract for the residential projects.My daily job scopes include preparation of tender document, contract binding,interim valuation, progress payment, measurement & cost estimation,valuation of order, final account and negotiation with contractor and supplier.Most of the projects were ranged between five hundred thousand to forty million(500k – 40 mil) including residential building work, infrastructure andlandscape works.
Earlier this year, Ihave successfully applied the New Zealand Working Holiday (NZWH) visa schemeand stepped out from the comfort zone to face some new challenge. After sixmonths been a seasonal harvester for a nursery, I am now looking for a newchallenge that will provide me with the opportunity to further develop my career.At the same time, I have joined with a kiwi family which also a builder withthe Helpx programme (working for exchange of accommodation) and prepare myselfto be more familiar with the construction mythology in NZ.
On the other hand, Iwould like to state that I am holding the NZWH visa but still eligible to applyfor Long Term Skill Shortage List WorkVisa If obtain a job offer. For ease of the employment process, I amavailable for video interview or face-to-face interview with time arrangementand willing to cover all the application fee required for work visaapplication.
As check through theimmigration conditions, I believe that my profession is under ANZSCO skilllevel 1 which fall into group 2332 Civil Engineering Professionals (233213Quantity Surveyor) and is eligible for the qualification.
CieYing, Ho (Ariel)
Ph: 0276193805
wechat (微信): ying07ho
email: [email protected]
cv to :
[email protected]