新西兰移动式芭蕾舞扶杆 Ballet Barre
代替朋友帮忙卖一个移动式芭蕾扶杆。之前是从国外买来,用来自己的健身和芭蕾训练用的。芭蕾杆几乎是进新的,有一些些刮痕。高90宽300。适合孩童和成年舞蹈爱好者。 需要从Te Atatu 半岛自取。欢迎联系咨询。
Ballet barre was bought overseas for personal practice and fitness purpose. Sadly, no space in my new house, so I am selling it.
There are few scratches but still in very great condition. Great for both child and adult dancers.
Size: H90 x L 300 cm
Pick up from Te Atatu Penisula, West Auckland