新西兰Honda Accord EURO 2013 Black 卖车
Honda Accord EURO Black 2.49L
Year(年份): 2013 , 公里数:107,xxx KMs
Wof expire(wof到明年): 2/2023
Registration expires(路税) :November
Number of owners: 1 (purchased in Auckland local exclusive shop) -新西兰一手女车主,无烟,干净
Imported history: NZ New
No any damaged *️ 车子完好无缺,没有任何损坏
No any stolen records *️ 无任何被盗记录
No any incident records *️ 无任何撞车历史
Brand new 2 types of front wheel, full service *️ 每年都有定时检查,前轮2条轮胎都是新换的
Selling price : 9,800
Contact me if you interested: 0221898853 (text message preferred ), *微信看图787920126
Location in East Tamaki, Auckland