新西兰Driving Success in Huntly has been targeted 6 times in 12 mo
Five Driving Success cars have been damaged by people stealing petrol.
Over 500 people planning to take driving tests in the coming months might have to cancel after a Huntly driver-training school was hit by thieves, again.
The school has been targeted at least six times in less than a year.
Previously, thieves have stolen diesel and batteries from the three trucks at the Driving Success site on State Highway 1.
But this time, they drilled into a petrol tank and smashed four other tanks on the Suzuki Swift cars, causing an estimated $12,000 worth of damage.
On top of that, 500 people who had booked lessons and tests with the school could see their plans disrupted as the company's five fleet cars all need their fuel tanks replaced.
Director Allan Murphy doesn't understand why someone would cause so much damage for a few dollars' worth of petrol.
"The thieves must have been lying on the ground - it's not that easy to get under a Suzuki Swift - and they would've been there for a long time. The amount of fuel wasted to get that fuel, it's just really dumb.
"They probably got away with $30 worth of fuel and have caused anything up to $12,000 worth of damage and inconvenienced hundreds of people. Why would you do that?"
It's difficult for Murphy to pinpoint when the fuel was stolen, as the site closed down for three weeks over Christmas.
They discovered the problem when a staff member tried to fill up one of the cars and noticed the petrol was falling out the bottom.
"And then we found out there was more than one of them.
"I can perhaps understand someone running out of petrol and getting it out of one car, but five? We filled up the cars just prior to going away for Christmas, but there was certainly nothing left in them when we returned."
The company's ride-on lawnmower was also left empty.
The site is surrounded by 1.8m fencing and the thieves would have needed to take a battery-operated drill in with them.
"We can't see any damage by people getting in and out, but 40 litres of fuel is not that easy to throw over the fence. It does your head in, really. You just shake your head and wonder why they would even bother."
The company has since installed CCTV cameras and police are doing forensic work to try to identify the thieves.
"We're certainly doing whatever we can to alleviate the problem," said Murphy. "The cost of the petrol is one thing, but that's by far the cheapest thing.
"We've also got to sort out people's licences that we now can't do."
- Stuff
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