新西兰From Beijing to Balmoral: driving the mean streets of New Ze



Last updated 05:00, December 27 2015

A driver's tale from Beijing to New Lynn. Hao Peng talks about the differences between driving in NZ compared to China.

When migrant Hao Peng decided it was time to convert his Chinese licence to a New Zealand one, he knew he'd have to leave those old habits in his rear-view mirror.

"Keep driving on the left-hand side," my wife warned me repeatedly. "Here in New Zealand, the road is completely different."

My wife, who arrived in New Zealand one year ahead of me, was full of good advice.

Hao Peng took a driving lesson to help adjust from Chinese to New Zealand driving conditions.

Sometimes it would be calm and measured, but whenever I got near the centre line, she would scream at me from the passenger seat.

But rather than react, I put up with my lovely windbag (yes, that's my wife). I almost lost all of my confidence in driving along those hilly, narrow and windy Wellington streets.

I had legally driven here for over eight months with a translated Chinese driver's licence, when I felt it was time to get my full New Zealand licence.

By law, anyone who has a current and valid overseas licence and an accurate translation can drive for a maximum period of 12 months from the date he/she arrives in New Zealand.

But a clean record of no demerit points over ten years in China and a Chinese driver's licence doesn't count for much on New Zealand roads.

Flicking through the Yellow Pages for a driving instructor, I came across Wayne.

"In general, not good enough," Wayne said on my first and last driving lesson in New Zealand.

Apparently, I'd made three mistakes which could lead to an instant fail.

"Young man, always check the blind spots over your shoulders when you are about to switch lanes, and keep your hands on the wheel when on the road."

Thanks to that lesson and some advice from Wayne, I survived the on-road test, a one-hour drive around the hilly Kilbirnie and Rongotai streets. Finally, I could say goodbye to public transport.

This year I moved to Auckland, where I found the driving conditions just as challenging.

I quickly learned that maintaining a 15cm gap with the car in front was essential to prevent any queue-jumping, and that you had to be very cautious about any unexpected pedestrians.

Forget the stereotype about the bad Asian drivers, they are just as comfortable with aggressive yet under-control driving. Giving way and merging like a zip are not part of the Chinese  motoring culture.

I soon found most of the driving skills I developed outside New Zealand were redundant here. My approach to ensuring a safe and comfortable journey is simple: I just have to follow the law and respect other road users.

It was not a difficult decision to give up driving in China. My Chinese driver licence expired  more than two years ago. I have no intention of renewing it.

- Hao Peng is a freelance journalist and enthusiastic motorist.

- Sunday Star Times

15cm那个是不是有点夸张啊?我只有在下班的时候在16号往西开,靠近st lukes的出口那边才这么开的,那边时常有插队的。


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