标签:About - 澳大利亚华人论坛


Warning about TikTok ear-cleaning trends that invol

Although our ears are designed to be self-cleaning, ear-cleaning advice is currently going viral on TikTok. Videos on how to remove earwax yourself, using tiny tools, olive oil and even harsh chemicals, are generating millions of views. It'...澳洲华人论坛


about oversea pension

往年我报说时,填写海外养老金时都填在基金收入一栏,因为钱直接进我的银行帐号。今年我发现错了,应该在海外养老金一栏。结果我一填好,立刻跳出一栏,问我以前有过吗? yes o...澳洲华人论坛


婴儿在墨尔本的 Only About Children 日托中心

一位愤怒的妈妈在她 10 周大的男婴被发现在托儿中心流血并脸上有划痕后要求道歉和赔偿。 Rachel* 声称该中心告诉她这是一场事故,当时 Noah* 在墨尔本 Only About Children 的一家分店短暂...澳洲华人论坛


Stradbroke 冠军 Think About It 可能是澳大利亚

Sam Clipperton 周六去了 Eagle Farm,他知道 Think About 它非常特别,但他在 Stradbroke 再次交付的方式让骑师梦想着春天和更远的地方。 Think About It 有九个从 10 场比赛中获胜,包括在过去两场...澳洲华人论坛


在 Think About It 支持 Happy Max 的判断时,他

前高等法院法官迈克尔·麦克休 (Michael McHugh) 在法律界和赛马场上高高在上,Happy Max 再次戴上了正确的帽子。 这两个例子都证明了人人平等的真理它下面的草皮。他的荣誉将于周六在皇...澳洲华人论坛


热门播客 Sorry About the Kid 背后令人心痛的

Alex McKinnon 仍然清楚地记得 1990 年 10 月 25 日。当时他十岁。 当他结束学校运动会很晚回到家时,他在蒙特利尔的家门外到处都是汽车。他走上台阶,他姐姐在前门紧紧抓住他的肩膀,...澳洲华人论坛


招聘全职会计/行政助理 薪资优厚

About us We are a fast-expanding business specialised in quick-service food and beverage. Your role will involve the fundamental aspects of supporting the Senior Leadership and full of variety. Qualifications experience A Degree in the fiel...澳洲华人论坛


Hiring 招聘

About Us More than 40,000 New Zealand businesses trust Aramex to deliver. We handle the freight needs of many of the world’s largest e-commerce businesses as well as thousands of local companies. Aramex is a global leader in logistics and...澳洲华人论坛


这个round about怎么走?

从A点进入环岛,D点出环岛 是走红线,还是蓝线? 注意: 如果从B进D出的话,必须走红线,注意看上面那个箭头标志 所以我认为,如果A进D出,走蓝线的话,会在D出口的位置跟 B进D出...澳洲华人论坛


澳大利亚房产 General Opion about Bacchus Mars

大家好——我最近从英国移民到维多利亚州的 Bacchus Marsh (BM) 的普遍看法是什么V-train(到目前为止 1 次访问 BM)我已经在 BM 37 万美元附近找到了一栋 4 居室的房子,靠近 BM Grammar(我儿...澳洲华人论坛


澳大利亚房产 Plus and Minus about Junee NSW S

嗨,我只是在为我的下一个房产做一些研究,发现 Junee 便宜一点,而且回报不错适度的资本收益(高将是可取的) 我的预算约为 30 万,只看有土地的房子 Regards velli 评论 不确定财产,...澳洲华人论坛


澳大利亚房产 All About Concrete 悉尼

不确定这是否是正确的论坛,但这里有 wwwconcretenetau 有一个 pdf 文件可供下载,它告诉你所有关于混凝土和混凝土的信息 为外行写的,带有简单的图纸和解释我会在这里为您发布,但文...澳洲华人论坛


澳大利亚房产 About Ashmont Sydney

在扫描 API 时,我发现 Ashmont 的回报率非常好,约为 60% 以目前的利率计算,这可能不是 +ve 现金流量 关于郊区的任何评论 本论坛上没有关于该郊区的任何评论除了 UNI 和空军基地以外的...澳洲华人论坛


澳大利亚房产 Stopid Question about Compunded

多年来我一直听到“利息按日计算,按月累计”; - 没有真正的问题,但我最近试图向我正在辅导的学生解释它,老实说,我不能直截了当地说:每天计算利息,加到原则上,然后第二...澳洲华人论坛


澳大利亚房产 About Reservoir in VIC Sydney

我目前对Reservoir VIC的房产感兴趣 但是它靠近墨尔本水库所以我应该注意什么或者我应该仔细检查 评论 Reservoir是一个巨大的郊区,有很多子部分什么你在找吗 评论 虽然我不熟悉那里的...澳洲华人论坛


澳大利亚房产 About Body Corp 悉尼

周末看房,对某处房产感兴趣 被告知此房产没有body corp 这对我来说意味着什么 显然没有body corp 费用,但是缺点呢 有什么想法 评论 是它是一个单元联排别墅 评论 这听起来像一个复式...澳洲华人论坛


澳大利亚房产 All About Townhouses!悉尼

这些是如何运作的,是否有分层类型的安排等,银行如何看待它们 您对投资联排别墅有何看法?我需要知道什么,例如可接受的建筑面积或购买时的任何特殊费用 评论 就像任何其他类...澳洲华人论坛


澳大利亚房产 Whinge about water rate $320 进入

是的,每六个月 320 美元只是为了获得城镇用水加上第一级用水的 100 美元 由房东(我)支付 让我们看看 320 +320 等于每年 640 美元,估计每年 200 美元水本身的成本 那是每年 840 美元的物...澳洲华人论坛


澳大利亚房产 Q's about Buyers agent Sydney

任何人都知道在珀斯购买价值 75 万美元的 resi 房产的买家代理会收取多少费用是固定费用还是会随着房产成本的增加而增加是否有专门从事商业地产的买家代理谢谢 评论 它是不受监管...澳洲华人论坛


双车道round about 差点撞车

我内道直行,外道车突然右转,幸亏急刹车避开,外道不是不能右转吗 评论 要看具体的马路标识,双车道roundabout比较复杂 评论 是悉尼DFO门口那个吗 我平时开车很慢 但那个round about 唯...澳洲华人论坛


后轮踩上round about被警察pull over

刚在转盘上转的时候,后轮踩上了转盘,后面就听到警察把我pull over,做了酒精测试,然后说不能踩上转盘,这次是警告。 我一万个黑人问号,excuse me?不能踩上转盘? 因为什么都没...澳洲华人论坛


About Coop Final Report

Please Help!!!! Any one who passed the Co-op can give me a idea about Final Report? 评论 應該很多人有這個吧。。。。。。。 评论 dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd 评论 有哪位朋友已经做完了,可以借report来看个大...澳洲华人论坛


about the nature strips

1\ the owner take the responsibility for the maintenance of their nature strips. 业主负责维护其公共绿化带 2\please feel free to water the small street trees in the nature strips. 请随时给公共绿化带里的小树浇水 key...澳洲华人论坛



跨境物流龙头企业招聘HR: 【ABOUT 4PX】Founded in 2004 in China, 4PX is focus on cross-border logistics, a leading enterprise in Global cross-border e-commerce supply chain industry. By the end of 2021, 4PX has a global workforc...澳洲华人论坛


【诚意招聘】海康威视悉尼总部 招聘技术

About the Company: Hikvision is the world's largest supplier of video surveillance products and solutions. The company advances the core technologies of audio and video encoding, video image processing, and related data storage, as well as...澳洲华人论坛



About New Land New Land Groups has been involved in a range of sectors since 2015. This includes residential property development and the construction industry. We are now seeking an experienced assistant accountant to join our friendly tea...澳洲华人论坛


Data Entry Admin Wanted

About us: 2 Cheap Cars Ltd is owned by NZX listed company New Zealand Automotive Investment Group (NZAI). 2 Cheap Cars is New Zealand's fastest-growing car dealership and one of New Zealand's largest used car sellers, and we have 12 branche...澳洲华人论坛


Casual Talking about Sports Shoes

Locate the ideal shoe for your sport in the collection of cheap nike shoes australia, regardless of whether you are hiking in the high mountains, running every day on the road, instruction for long-distance trail running, or recovering in a...澳洲华人论坛



About the company: Our company was newly built company 3 years ago, focus on theconstruction industry and luxury windows and doors selling. About the role: The proper candidate shall report to the company manager andwill be managing the cli...澳洲华人论坛



About the business OZAC Architectsis a NZIA credit architectural practice based in Newmarket, Auckland with 40people size. We have a provenreputation for delivering innovative, progressive design from a team of internationaldiverse enthusia...澳洲华人论坛



About us Gary Meaden Jewellery is a local company focus on design, produce, and sell jewellery. We have almost 50 years of experience in jewellery business. About the opportunity We have an exciting opportunity for a Marketing and Administr...澳洲华人论坛


【诚意招聘】墨尔本技术支持 一名

About the Company: Hikvision is the world's largest supplier of video surveillance products and solutions. The company advances the core technologies of audio and video encoding, video image processing, and related data storage, as well as...澳洲华人论坛


About Co-op Final Report

Please Help!!!! Any one who passed the Co-op can give me a idea about Final Report? 评论 應該很多人有這個吧。。。。。。。 评论 dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd 评论 有哪位朋友已经做完了,可以借report来看个大...澳洲华人论坛


question about sti

does anyone knows wat is da ver of the hatchback sti?ver11? is it only come with the 2500cc engine or has da 2000cc engine(JDM) if does wat is da different between them? cheers;loveliness; 评论 hatchback不知道。。只知道sedan的nz...澳洲华人论坛


help about "GPS"

请问大家在SkyKiwi 的 2011最新款 5寸 GPS 质量如何, 或着有什么可推荐的, 谢谢大家了先 评论 准备也入手一台,不知道质量怎么样 评论 买了一个5英寸的,so far so good. 评论 DDDDDDDDD,同问,...澳洲华人论坛


about Toyota Caldina

请问一下,新款的Toyota Caldina StationWagon 好像有3种排量2.0T, 2.0 和1.8。排除2.0T, 想问一下2。0和1。8的这两款那一款更皮实耐用一些呢,只知道2。0的用的是D4的engine, 1。8的用的是Corolla的...澳洲华人论坛



翻译驾照只能第一年用么?我听说出入境之后可以再翻译再用是真的么?我朋友最近在开车的时候被JC问驾照问题,说一年后要换本地驾照才能继续驾驶?求真相 评论 真相就是第一次入...澳洲华人论坛


About Full license!

Help!!!!!!!! May I need the original copy of translation of my Chinese Driver License to apply for the full license in NZ? 评论 yes!!!!! 评论 But I supplied my orginal copy to the IRD when applying for the number........ 评论 NZfull li...澳洲华人论坛


asking about the size of 2000 subaru impreza wrx pa

rtthx 评论 T10..... 评论 T10 评论 你好 请问是直接跟人家说要subaru impreza wrx t10的led parking light就行了么?请问这个帖子有用么? http://China2au/forum.php ... baru%2Bpark%2Blight 谢谢 评论 直接买T10...澳洲华人论坛


Treatment of Grommets

Sorry about using English, but I am at working place and can't wait to ask for opinions about this. My two year old has just been seen by a ENT specialist, who recommended the grommet surgery for him. He has been seen a audiologist and been...澳洲华人论坛


About Travelling in Japan

Consideringto take my dear mother to Japan for a holiday. Butdon't really know anything about Japan. Hopesomeone here can give me some insight Please, Much much appreciated. 评论 哎哟~你很早就知道我们要去了吧~居然不和我们...澳洲华人论坛



About the company: New Moon NZ Travel affiliate member of hello world.Our infrastructure allows us to cover all segments of travel needs: standardand custom tours and packages, wholesale and retail of airline and train, ferrytickets, hotels...澳洲华人论坛


我看了很触动的故事 A story about little Is

This is astory about a lovely girl was killed in a car accident. It is sotouching my heart. Please use the right car seat for your little one.All bless to our beautiful Belle. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y2LFo8vVi04 希望爸爸,妈妈都...澳洲华人论坛


Anything about Supply Chain

Ask me anything about Supply Chain! 10年供应链管理经验混过世界500强外企,呆过中小型华人电商企业,不挑肥拣瘦! 2年本地洋人公司供应链管理经验,管理团队30+ 0.5年supply chain consultant 经验...澳洲华人论坛


about stroller

请问 大家都用什么推车呢 哪款推车比较好呢? 大概特价的时候多少钱呢?想给宝宝换个推车,没主意换什么合适。 Mountain buggy swift ?quinny buzz哪款好点呢? 评论 我有个帖子写推车的,如...澳洲华人论坛



About us: 始建于 1972 年,江北第一家生产陶瓷墙地砖的厂家 1999 年,参加陶瓷砖国家标准修订工作 2003 年,建陶行业首家荣获“国家免检产品”称号 2004 年,国家工商总局认定的建陶行业...澳洲华人论坛



About the business 2degrees arrived on the scene in 2009, determined to give Kiwis the mobile phone company they deserved. It's 2degrees of closeness, not 6 degrees of separation. It's more than just a name; it's what we always stand for. O...澳洲华人论坛


about 哺乳文胸

请问姐妹们什么牌的 哺乳文胸 好呢? 还有怎样确定哺乳文胸 的尺寸呢? 我想生完宝宝后, 是不是会就会瘦下来, 那怎样确定尺寸呢? 还有在哪里买? 谢谢先... 评论 anyone can help me??? thanks 评...澳洲华人论坛


need help about baby powder plz...:)

sorry cant type Chinese....... which brand of baby powder is better for new born baby?? thanks so much 评论 现在是冬天,貌似用不上啊。。。我家宝宝出生在冬天,我都没准备爽身粉。。。。 评论 oh.......ok....澳洲华人论坛